Happy New Rotary Year where we will be making Magic throughout the 2024-2025 year!
This is always such an exciting and fun time for Rotary – to celebrate and reflect on all the excellent work and fellowship in the previous year, while planning for the future. With that said as we make our transition, I am humbled and excited to take on the role as your 86th District Governor.
First, I must extend a huge thank you and big hand clap to our outgoing District Governor, Jenalea Randall. She has had an extremely successful year with membership growth and Foundation/Polio Plus donations. At last count, we were getting close to her goal for polio plus donations and hopefully we will meet Jenalea’s goal of $105,000. Leading our organization is no easy feat, but she did it with humility, grace, and compassion. It truly has been a pleasure working with Jenalea, and I am certainly inspired by her selfless service to Rotary International and our District. Thanks, too, to the many PDGs, District committee chairs, and Rotarians from across the state who continue to make a difference in their communities and our District. The continued success of District 5710 is a combined effort and would not happen without each and every Rotarian across Eastern Kansas.
Another groundbreaking year for Rotary International as our second female President steps into her role. We will continue to raise up female voices, and I am honored to serve alongside Stephanie Urchick as she begins to leave her mark on our great organization. I have been blessed to have spent some time with Stephanie at International Assembly as well as the convention in Singapore. Stephanie has a very impressive resume and will do remarkable things and lead us into our year of Magic with every step we take.
Here in District 5710, I am hopeful that we can meet the goals that President Stephanie has put forth. I look forward to working with all of you as we make a difference in our local areas as well as globally. As we grow our District, work mental health awareness in our communities, tell our success stories, and continue to make Rotary the best non-profit service organization in Eastern Kansas, we need to always be mindful of what draws most people to our organization. We need to think about our club service projects outside of the box and ensure we are giving all community members an opportunity to serve. If we find other like-minded people that have a heart for service, our impact will be tremendous. In addition, we must continually engage our current, dedicated members in order to stay fresh and relevant within our District. While growing our membership is important, it is even more important to sustain current membership; it does not do much good if our current members are not happy and leave our Rotary family. With that said, I ask each of you to think about a friend or family member that you can encourage to check out our Rotary family especially if they are looking for a way to provide service in our communities. And, of course, we need to work hard on ensuring current membership stays engaged.
During the year ahead you will hear about a few things to include supporting the Rotary Foundation, Polio Plus and a new initiative called the Million Dollar Journey which will help grow our Rotary International Endowment Fund. This initiative will be led by our Endowment Chair, Roger Aeschliman, and you will hear more about this in the weeks ahead.
I would like to ask a big favor of each club in the District for supporting Polio Plus. We had some clubs that were not able to make a donation to Polio Plus this year so I have been thinking about a simple way ahead so District 5710 can perhaps have a 100 percent donation rate to Polio Plus in 2024-2025. Please consider putting out a collection jar at your meetings for our new fundraising effort, Pocket Change for Polio. When you attend a Rotary meeting you can just add your excess change to the jar and at the end of the year, your pocket change will make a real difference in the effort to eliminate Polio (we are this close (less than an inch)); it is amazing how much pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters can add up!!!
I am so grateful for the confidence you have instilled in me to take on the role of District Governor, and also so humbled by the opportunity to serve beside such an incredible group of Rotarians – people of action, who are truly changing the world, one day at a time.
Now, let’s get this party started --- please consider/think about our last couple of annual themes, Imagine Rotary & Creating Hope in the World, and NOW, start making Magic in the year ahead!
Thanks so much for your service and dedication to Rotary.
Hello from District 5710’s Polio Plus Chair, Jim Arnett, to all of our Clubs and Members - I’m looking forward to getting in touch with you to explore how your Club can really make a difference in this critical year as Rotary renews its determination to fight Polio to the end. Hope you find the following helpful.
A number of our clubs have already set their Polio Plus Goals and started working on their Fundraising plans, with commitments from Club Leadership that includes the Foundation Chairs and the Polio Plus Chairs. This can be the year that every 5710 club and its members can take action to raise awareness and funds to help End Polio.
So as the new Rotary year kicks off, if your club hasn’t started, now is the time to begin planning your club’s Polio Plus Fundraising activities and events for 2024-25. Here’s a few suggestions to consider:
· Assign or recruit a Polio Plus Chair/Champion as a member of the club leadership – see the attached Role Statement for a Club Polio Chair
· As annual budgets are developed, set an aggressive Polio Plus Goal in Club Central – No matter how much or how small – every $ matters - consider the Rotary Foundation’s suggestion of at least $1,500
· Encourage as many members as possible to join the Polio Plus Society by pledging $100 annually ($10/month or $25/Quarter using Rotary Direct)
· Add a Polio Plus Goal Status & Donation Link to your Club’s social media
· Share a “Polio Progress/History” minute during each week’s meeting
· Consider asking your city/community to Proclaim October 24th World Polio Day
· Plan a specific Fundraising Event sponsored by the club around World Polio Day
· Contact District Polio Chair if you need Fundraising suggestions or help
· Promote your Polio Events in local Newspapers/radio
· Invite a Polio Survivor to speak to the club about their polio experience
· Ask a Rotarian who has participated in a National Immunization Project to talk
· Look ahead to plan a Polio Fundraiser during World Immunization Week in April
· Plan an “Over-The-Top” drive for “More Polio Drops” as the Rotary Year ends in June
Our District’s donations are more important than ever as the potential exists for finding and crushing the Wild Polio Virus in the few remaining locations in two small endemic regions of Pakistan & Afghanistan. The key to success will be to guarantee delivery of the vaccine drops to every child in those areas. Every $ that is donated continues to be matched $2 for $1 by the Gates Foundation and underwrites the cost of delivering the Vaccine to another child. We need to continue vaccinating the world’s children against polio, because polio anywhere is a threat everywhere.
Be sure to share our "Countdown To History" with your members and friends. Promote Polio Eradication Awareness at every meeting year-round until We End Polio!
Feel free to email, call or text me if you have any questions or want fundraising ideas. And watch for a great new Polio Plus Donation Challenge coming from our District Governor!!
And “We are…This Close” as shown in our “Countdown to History”
District 5710’s next scheduled learning event will be Team Seminar on 17 August from 8:30-1:30 at Maceli’s in Lawrence, KS. All District Rotarians are eligible to attend. Many District and Club Leaders, including our new DG Tamara Sevcik will attend. We encourage all Rotarians interested in sharing diverse perspectives to attend. New ideas can strengthen our Clubs, help us grow membership and retain members.
This is a no-cost event! Attendees can look forward to an engaging and fun ½ day event with presentations, discussions, and a complementary brunch and beverages (Mimosas and Bloody Marys included)!
We look forward to seeing and collaborating with you on 17 August.
Mandy will be sending out registration information in the next week so keep an eye on your Inbox!
As your District Learning Co-Chairs, we have been asked to serve on the Rocky Mountain Division Rotary Leadership Institute Committee. We are looking forward to serving and collaborating with this team to energize interest in RLI across Rotary Districts.
Please let us know if your club is interested in hosting (providing a conference room/site) for an RLI (Rotary Learning Institute). We intend to keep a hybrid design: Friday a Zoom mtg from 5:30-8:30 PM, and the in-person session on Saturday from approximately 8:30 AM-5:00 PM.
Note the attached Kansas Leadership Center (KLC) scholarships opportunities below. Apply now so you can secure enrollment!
District 5710 has been awarded 25 grants to participate in the programs of the Kansas Leadership Center. The Kansas Leadership Center (KLC) is a non-profit organization committed to fostering leadership for stronger, healthier and more prosperous Kansas communities.
The KLC offers three programs that build on each other:
•When Everyone Leadsis the introductory one-day program that focuses on personal leadership competencies. It focuses on leadership as an activity – recognizing that every individual has the capacity to lead. It helps participants stretch and grow their leadership while addressing their toughest challenges. When Everyone Leads is valued at $149.
•Your Leadership Edge is the seminal, two-day deep dive into individual leadership for those who have completed When Everyone Leads. It focuses on helping leaders understand how to move out of their comfort zone and engage in meaningful leadership. It centers on the KLC’s leadership framework based on Five Guiding Principles and Four Profound Competencies. Your Leadership Edge is valued at $399.
•Lead For Changeis reserved for teams who have already completed the other two KLC courses. It is an immersive, three-day training that must be experienced in a team. Lead For Change is valued at $799 per individual.
Who Should Attend?
Each club should consider sending up and coming leaders from their club and community. The virtual sessions are an ideal option.. Leaders who have done the first program should consider the second program.
How To Register To Sign Up for When Everyone Leads or Your Leadership Edge, we ask that you do two things:
1.Visit the KLC website at: www.kansasleadershipcenter.org. Create a personal account and register using the code Rotary2024 to waive the tuition fee.
2.Notify District Learning Facilitators, of your interest in order that we might track Rotarians who are taking advantage of this grant.
•When Everyone Leadsis the introductory one-day program that focuses on personal leadership competencies. It focuses on leadership as an activity – recognizing that every individual has the capacity to lead. It helps participants stretch and grow their leadership while addressing their toughest challenges. When Everyone Leads is valued at $149.
Virtual Program Dates March 5 ǁ August 20 ǁ October 2-3 (Evenings) ǁ December 10
In Person Program Dates - Wichita
April 16 ǁ June 18 ǁ July 23 ǁ September 12 ǁ November 12
In Person Program Date – Kansas City
May 23
•Your Leadership Edge is the seminal, two-day deep dive into individual leadership for those who have completed When Everyone Leads. It focuses on helping leaders understand how to move out of their comfort zone and engage in meaningful leadership. It centers on the KLC’s leadership framework based on Five Guiding Principles and Four Profound Competencies. Your Leadership Edge is valued at $399.
Virtual Program Dates February 27-28 ǁ May 21-22 ǁ September 24-25 ǁ November 19-20
In Person Program Dates - Wichita
March 19-20 ǁ April 23-24 ǁ June 25-26 ǁ October 22-23
In Person Program Date – Kansas City
July 17-18
•Lead For Change is reserved for teams who have already completed the other two KLC courses. It is an immersive, three-day training that must be experienced in a team. Lead For Change is valued at $799 per individual. Those interested in Lead For Change must make arrangements through the District Learning Facilitators.
In Person Program Dates - Wichita March 26-28 ǁ August 6-8 ǁ October 15-17
Registration for all programs closes two weeks before the program.
RYLA 2024 is a wrap! This annual camp was hosted June 2-6 in Ellsworth Hall with 40 students in partnership with the KU Memorial Unions and Rotary District 5710! Here are a few highlights:
For community service, they were placed all around Lawrence in various community garden spaces where they were able to improve the Lawrence community and make a $2,470 in economic impact.
They learned more about global grant scholars and rotary youth exchange for opportunities to travel abroad and get involved in the local communities.
They heard from many other Rotarians, including Representative Dr. Barbara Ballard at the Dole Institute and Derek Kwan, the Director of the Lied Center.
We implemented a new annual award to be given at each RYLA to follow, Big Fish of RYLA 2024. This student has exemplified the core principles of the FISH! Philosophy – choosing their attitude, being present, making others’ day brighter, and doing it all with a spirit of fun and enthusiasm. Chosen by their peers, this individual is a beam of light and positivity every day. The Big Fish of RYLA 2024 is Nicole Green, from Junction City. A $100 donation will be made on her behalf by the KU Memorial Unions to the Rotary International pillar of 'Saving Mothers and Children.
At right, Maddie Vandel, presents on her time as district 5710's Global Grant Scholar.
Forty delegates completed RYLA this year; thanks to our clubs for their sponsorship and support of these deserving high school students from around the district! Please take a look at the short video clip to see what activities our RYLA delegates did during their week at KU... https://www.facebook.com/share/v/mXJS3C83ab8v66YM/
On May 13th some members from the District 5710 HT Committee, CAAHT Club, and Topeka South Rotary met at the office of Shawnee County District Attorney, Mike Kagay, to discuss current criminal penalties for buying sex in the state of Kansas. Currently, buyers are charged with a misdemeanor for a first offense. Buyers can then be charged with a felony for subsequent offenses. The second offense felony charge is rarely seen because first time offenders can end up pleading to another charge rather than sex buyer, if they are prosecuted in the first place at all.
As a result of the meeting with DA Kagay, the Rotary Ending Demand Task Force was formed. The goal is to work with the DA to draft and propose legislation making first time sex buying a severity level 9, person felony. The Task Force is also looking at these changes to the existing law: increasing minimum and maximum fines; requiring the court to order an educational/treatment program, rather than leaving it as optional.
In 2021, DA Kagay gave testimony before the House Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice in support of HB 2274 which would have changed first time offense sex buying to a level 9, person felony. The bill did not make it out of committee. The Rotary Ending Demand Task Force will be working diligently with DA Kagay during the 2024/25 legislative session to get legislation introduced, heard in committee, reported out of committee, voted on by both chambers of the Kansas legislature and placed on the governor’s desk to be signed into law.
The Task Force will be meeting with DA Kagay again on Monday, August 26th. If you would like to help with any part of this process, please contact Lori Rowe, lorowe9193@gmail.com or Steve Nettles, nettles.steven@gmail.com .
As we close one Rotary year and start another, I would just like to thank all of you for your generosity concerning The Rotary Foundation! These numbers are not final and will probably increase once all the accounting is complete. As of June 30th, 2024, we have collectively given $236,070 to the Annual Fund-Share, $103,426 to Polio Plus, $15,475 to Other funds, and $151,466 to the Endowment fund. This gives us a total of $506,437 in overall giving! This could not have been achieved without all the efforts your clubs have made through your club fundraisers, the Gathering For Good auction, and all of your individual contributions. We added more people to the Paul Harris Society roster and recommended one person to be a Peace Fellow. We received 4 Major Gifts and added several Major Donors to our list. Overall, 2023-2024 has been a great year for D5710!
The following list is our Foundation Committee for 2024-2025. I will be in my 3rd year as your District Rotary Foundation Chair. The other committee members and their roles are as follows:
Jim Arnett – Polio Eradication Chair
Jennifer Berquist – Paul Harris Society Chair
Rebecca Gould – Peace Fellow Chair
Greg Shondell – District Grants Sub-Committee Chair
Roger Aeschliman – Endowment/ Major Gifts Chair
Steven Graham – Scholarships
Thank you to Carol Wheeler for her commitment to increasing our Paul Harris Society members over the last three years. Carol will be leaving the committee this year. Her service to our district has been outstanding in her capacity as our Paul Harris Society Chair! I look forward to working with the wonderful Rotarians who have agreed to be a part of our District Foundation Committee in 2024-2025.
I hope all of you can set your Rotary goals now so we can make this another great year for District 5710. We would love to hear about your fundraising efforts. Also, please reach out to any of us on the committee if you would like one of us to present to your club about any of the many Foundation areas.
I am excited to be working with District Governor, Tamara Sevcik! I expect this coming year to be another great year for District 5710 and I am looking forward to what it will bring!
Thanks to incredible, kind Rotarians, our great district finished this Rotary year with more than $150,000 donated to the Rotary International Endowment Fund. These gifts ranged from $1,000 to more than $60,000! Way to go District 5710!!
Over the life of the RI Endowment our district Rotarians have created 10 endowed funds totaling nearly $2 Million. There have also been a number of smaller gifts that did not hit the threshold for a separate named endowed fund ($25,000). But every penny counts and I continue to encourage all of us to look very hard at the $100x3 annual plan.
Every year, I hope every member will give at least $100 to the Annual Fund, $100 to Polio Plus and $100 to the Endowment Fund. All three funds do different great works and all three are worthy of our support. Perhaps $300 a year is not in your plans. OK, how about anything? You can go to rotary.org and very easily sign up for monthly, quarterly or annual donations in any amount. How about $10 x 3 as a starting point?
Can you imagine the amplified power of Rotary if every individual member made these gifts?
For those Rotarians who are already annual givers at higher amounts, THANK YOU!!! Rotary depends on major donors to balance out those who aren’t in a position to make a gift.
Rotary International professional Lizzy King (1-847-866-3017 or Elizabeth.King@rotary.org) is eager to visit with anyone about making a major gift or funding the Rotary endowment.
I am still looking for opportunities to speak to your club about endowment and major gifts. Call me at 785-267-8782 (daytime work) or raeschliman@corefirstbank.com (same) to connect and get energized about the Rotary International Foundation. Watch for BIG NEWS next month!
Co-Chair of our Information Committee is happy to announce that potential new member, Joe Wilson, has accepted his invitation to be a Rotarian...YAY!!! DGE Tamara shares the Rotary Convention-Singapore Banner with President Blake Waters.
Rotarian Brad Cox presents the March Madness Bracket Winners Board to Rotarian Linda Scheer...nice picking, Linda! Some of our Rotarians celebrating June birthdays! A small, but mighty group, keeping our Rotary Park clean!
Proud Rotarian Tim Vandall is happy to host his middle son, Ben, a rising 6th grade student. #mythreesons We are always happy to have the youth in our community visit (Rotarian Vanessa Reid's daughter, Julia, a rising 1st grad student was also with us this month). New member, Joe Wilson, lighting his candle of commitment with his sponsor, Larry Martin looking on; welcome to Rotary, Joe; we look forward to serving with you!
Programs co-chair, Carla Wiegers (and District Co-RYLA Chair) receiving the President's Award for the Year...congrats, Carla! We were happy to host the National Sojourners' Flag Building group this month; a great program in honor of Flag Day!
Happy to host the Inauguration Celebration (Change Over Ceremony) this month; shown here are incoming DG Tamara Sevcik, outgoing DG Jenalea Randall and PDGs Bill Kromer, Gary Duggan, Vern Henricks, Blanche Parks, Wes McCoy and Vickie Randel. The DG Line less our DGND Michelle Sink; shown here left to right are DGN Chuck Udell, DGE Tamara Sevcik and DG Jenalea Randall. Having a grand time at the Inauguration Celebration (Change Over Ceremony) --- would you look at those smiles!
The Manhattan Rotary Club welcomed new members Michael Rezkalla, Chief Executive Officer for Pawnee Mental Health and Ben Johnson, Wealth Manager with Keating and Associates.
Eight golfers enjoyed a fun June afternoon at Colbert Hills. No scorecards were visible.
Laura Downey, Executive Director of the Kansas Association for Conservation and Environmental Education, and Rachel Wahle were presented the Big Check gift of $500 to support efforts in providing environmental education to classrooms across Kansas.
The annual passing of the gavel and the awards ceremony occurred on June 27. Rotarian and Centenarian C.Clyde Jones announced the recipient of the Rotarian of the Year – Janet Lowell. Other awards were presented to Paul Harris Society and Polio Plus Society members. Rotary Blue & Gold awardees were Tom Phillips and Bob Ward. President Mitzi highlighted the Club’s accomplishments including the Community Cares Chest providing more than $3.2 million in goods to over 100 nonprofits. She recognized Emeriti Rotarians Ole Olsen (20 years) and Bill Varney (64 years). President Mitzi then peacefully passed the gavel to incoming President Randy Peterson.
Cliff O'Bryhim Overbrook Rotary President (left) thanks Overbrook Police Chief Eric Carlson and Police Clerk Dana Mentzer on there presentation to the club on updates and new in our local law enforcement.
This fundraiser is a win-win for the participating restaurants and the local non-profits! Please take a look and click the QR code or let me know if you have any questions.
Addison Moore and Cassie Frakes were sponsored by the Valley Falls Rotary Club to attended RYLA at KU in July. They said it was a great experience and will remember all the fun they had and all the great people they met. They will attend one of our Rotary meetings soon and give us a more detailed explanation of what they did while they were there.
Want to welcome our newest member Jamie Tankesley shown here with Dr. James Rider. Jamie is the owner of the Rustic Baker which just opened here in Valley Falls. She is going to be a great addition to the club, and to our community.